I'm New

Welcome to our ministry in the heart of Cedar Rapids where we can discover more: together.


Discover the possibilities of growth and engagement in our community of believers.



Join us for worship
or other special




Worship details,
event calendars,
& our latest communications.

Worship Times

Discover: Engaging Worship

Ash Wednesday - March 5
12 noon & 6:30 p.m. Details Here.

5:15 p.m. Dinner, 6:30 Band-led Worship


5 p.m. Piano-led Worship


9 a.m. Organ-led Worship

11 a.m. Band-led Worship

Both Sunday services are
simulcast live at


Concerts at First Lutheran

Mar. 9: Concert for Peace w/ Dr. Gail Archer
        Ukraine Refugee Benefit
Mar. 15: C.R. Concert Chorale:

        "Considering Matthew Shepard"


Lent Worship & Study

Hungering for God

We are born with a spiritual hunger for connection with God. The season of Lent
leads us to places of hunger and point the
way to deeper spiritual satisfaction.

Discover More

VBS/Day camp

Registration open NOW!

Jesus guides us in a world gone wild in this summers' VBS adventure!
Let's GO!

Coming Soon at First Lutheran ...

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New Wednesday Schedule

We hope your whole family will join us for our new Wednesday Night Schedule, including a meal, children and youth faith formation, worship and adult ministries! See details below for more information!

  • Pre-K & Kindergarten faith formation, including music & all rehearsals, has moved to Sunday mornings. Please register for more information. Register Here

  • Register Here

    5-5:30 p.m.   Junior Choir   
    Grades 1-4
         Choir Room—301


    5:35-6:05 p.m.     Echo Kids Wednesday Evening Learning

    Grades 1-4          Room 312

    (STARTS SEPT. 11)

    7:30—8 p.m.  Supervised Activities

    Grades 1-4     Room 312

    (STARTS SEPT. 11)

  • Register Here

    5-5:30 p.m.      Youth Bells 

    Grades 6-12     Bell Room—316


    5:35-6:05 p.m.     Youth Choir 

    Grades 5-8          Choir Room—301


    7:30—8 p.m.    The Bridge

    Grade 5     Room 311

    (STARTS SEPT. 11)

    7:30—8 p.m.  Grade 6-12 Small Groups
    Various Classrooms    (STARTS SEPT. 11)

  • 5:15 p.m. — 6:30 p.m.     Wednesday Evening Meal

    Luther Fellowship Hall    Pizza, soup, salads

    (STARTS SEPT. 11)

    6:30 p.m.—7:30 p.m.  Echo Worship

    (STARTS SEPT. 11)

  • 7:30—8 p.m.    Open Adult Small Group
    Chapel—Room 217

    (STARTS SEPT. 11)

    7:15—8:30 p.m.  Adult Choir




There is a place for all. Everyone matters. 
No Exceptions.

Here at First Lutheran, we take the journey of of faith together, and we discover more, together.
During the coming year, we will be incorporating this theme of discovering more: together — through the website, signage, and how we present the message of Christ to those seeking a church home. We will also incorporate this theme into the worship life for the program year, beginning with stories of discovery from the Old Testament.