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Register Now for the best Week of Summer!  Everyone can get involved in the fun, faith-building experience of True North Vacation Bible School and Daycamp July 14-18. Kids Preschool – Grade 5 register as participants; M.S. & H.S. Youth serve as helpers in the morning, and have their own leadership camp in the afternoons. Adults can help with the success in many ways before & during camp week!  Register TODAY at!

The First Lutheran Music Arts series is proud to present the 2025 Great American Organists performance. "A Concert for Peace" will feature works by Ukrainian and Russian composers from the Romantic period to the present day presented by the acclaimed Dr. Gail Archer on Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 7:30 p.m. A free-will offering will be collected to benefit the Eastern European Crisis Response of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA).

Mentor Ministry — Invest your time and faith into the lives of our youth. Inter-generational ministries and relationships are a key to instilling life-long faith in children and youth. At First Lutheran we support a yearly mentor ministry to connect youth and adults in the congregation for conversations around faith on Wednesday nights during the season of Lent (this year, Mar. 5 – Apr. 13). To volunteer your time, visit

Men’s Golf League — If you are interested in nine holes of not-too competitive golf and fellowship, the weekly 2025 League play begins Monday, May 5 with reserved tee times at Gardner Golf Course on Monday afternoons thru the end of September. If it sounds like fun, contact Al Fletcher soon!, 319-365-9844 (home) or 319-210-5811 (cell).

March Luncheon — For the next monthly luncheon, March 13 at 12 noon we are excited to host Dave Markward, author of "From Dubuque to Selma & Beyond: My Journey to Understand Rac­ism in America." Dave embarked on a transfor­mative journey, from an upbringing in an almost exclusively white community to a life enriched by diversity. This book is a must-read for those seeking inspiration to effect change. The cost is just $5 which you can pay at the door. Please RSVP at the signup table, or at firstlu­

Coach Bus Daytrip to Ames – Join with other senior adults on a daytrip to Ames on Thurs. May 8. We will visit Reiman’s Gardens and Conservatory, and take a wagon-ride tour of the Iowa State Horticulture & Research Farm. Pick up a detailed flyer at the sign-up table. 

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