1. Pay off the remaining balance from the sanctuary project of $545,000 and any additional interest.
2. Address necessary repairs and maintenance including:
a. Replace the flat roof facing the parking.
b. Replace aged-out AC units and necessary HVAC repair.
c. Repair brick and mortar at bell tower and exterior of sanctuary.
d. Repair rust damage on exterior surfaces and replace leaking window seals.
e. Replace wind damaged entrance doors at 3rd Avenue and Drive-Through.
f. Refurbish the elevator.
g. Replace worn carpet/tile areason all 3 floors.
h. Paint walls and stain doors/trim woodwork to match new sanctuary décor.
3. Renew Key Ministry Areas:
a. Parking Lot
b. Narthex/Welcome Area
c. 3rd Floor Ministry Area for Children
d. 1st Floor Youth Room.
e. Using existing entries, provide clear welcome for newcomers.
4. Reach Out. Our Church Council approved our H3GO (Outreach) Team's recommendation to give a total of $100,000 to two designated ministry partners: a $50,000 to our Lutheran global partner congregations in Samé Tanzania for three building projects and a $50,000 grant to Wellington Heights Community Church in Cedar Rapids for identified necessary repairs for their buildings and a Flourishing Community Index project to support the neighborhood. .