Renewing for God's mission

Renewing for God’s Mission means providing a place of welcome for all people, just as Christ welcomes us into God’s grace.  It's about sustaining the incredible ministries of the church, taking care of our building, and setting the stage for the next chapter of growth. We are always being renewed by God. We are always renewing our ministries and facilities to be more effective in making a difference.


Discover More

Find out how our project will help us reach out to the community and how you can help make a difference below.

  • Throughout the Winter and Spring 2023/24 the Building Committee held several forums as well as publishing articles and a pamphlet outlining the needs of our facility and the options we had to meet them.  Initially a new entrance was considered but removed from the proposed project due to inflated costs in spring of 2024.

    At a congregational meeting on June 9, 2024 the Congregation authorized the Church Council to contract with The James Company to conduct a capital campaign to raise funds for the following:

  • Purpose #1: 2025 Annual Stewardship. We are asked to support the everyday mission and ministry of the church with our annual stewardship commitments. We do every year, and it is vital for us as a congregation.

    Purpose #2: Capital Campaign. We are invited to support the capital campaign with a three-year commitment that is over and above our regular annual stewardship giving, with the purpose to:

    + Repay debt on sanctuary project.

    + Repair necessary building items, including flat roof, AC, and worn carpet and finishes.

    + Renew how this building welcomes people. Children’s Ministry Area, Expanded Youth Room, Parking Lot, Welcome Area using current entrances.

    + Reach out beyond ourselves with substantial gifts to targeted ministry partners as outlined below.

  • 1. Pay off the remaining balance from the sanctuary project of $545,000 and any additional interest.

    2. Address necessary repairs and maintenance including:

        a. Replace the flat roof facing the parking.

        b. Replace aged-out AC units and necessary HVAC repair.

        c. Repair brick and mortar at bell tower and exterior of sanctuary.

        d. Repair rust damage on exterior surfaces and replace leaking window seals.

        e. Replace wind damaged entrance doors at 3rd Avenue and Drive-Through.

        f. Refurbish the elevator.

        g. Replace worn carpet/tile areason all 3 floors.

        h. Paint walls and stain doors/trim woodwork to match new sanctuary décor.

    3. Renew Key Ministry Areas:

        a. Parking Lot

        b. Narthex/Welcome Area

        c. 3rd Floor Ministry Area for Children

        d. 1st Floor Youth Room.

        e. Using existing entries, provide clear welcome for newcomers.

    4. Reach Out. Our Church Council approved our H3GO (Outreach) Team's recommendation to give a total of $100,000 to two designated ministry partners: a $50,000 to our Lutheran global partner congregations in Samé Tanzania for three building projects and a $50,000 grant to Wellington Heights Community Church in Cedar Rapids for identified necessary repairs for their buildings and a Flourishing Community Index project to support the neighborhood. .

  • Sept. 28 Campaign Kickoff

    October 6 Pacesetter Advance Gathering (Open to anyone who wants to help lead the charge)

    October 27 Pacesetter Commitments received

    November 3 Invitation-to-Prayer, Distribute Packets, Announce lead gifts announced

    November 16, 17 & 25 Congregation Commitment Week

    November 17 Celebration Dinner at The Hotel at Kirkwood

    2025-2027 Congregation fulfills 3-year commitments while construction begins

  • Join the Mission!  We invite you to prayerfully consider how can support the work of this congregation with two pledges, one for the annual stewardship of the church, another for the 3-year capital campaign.  We will make our pledges for BOTH things at the same time, in all worship services on Nov. 16-20, 2024.  We also invite you to join us for a Celebration Dinner at The Hotel at Kirkwood at 1 p.m. Nov. 17, 2024.  You can RSVP online today by clicking on the dropdown below that says "RSVP for the Celebration Dinner."

    Pledge Your Support Today

  • Join us on Sunday, November 17th for regular worship services at church, followed by a Celebration Dinner at the Hotel at Kirkwood Center!

    Doors will open at 12 noon, with meal service beginning at 12:30pm.

    RSVP's are due Sunday, November 10th.

    RSVP Now

  • After we make our collective commitments in November, our Church Council guided by our Building Committee will make the final determination of what will be accomplished within the project plan based on the total amount pledged.  Our leaders will bring a specific final plan and budget back to the congregation at a meeting(s) at a date(s) TBD in December of 2024 to January of 2025.  We will then vote as a congregation on the plan and move forward with construction hopefully in early 2025.

  • An Idea is Born Read about it here.

    Congregation Votes to Move Ahead  Read about it here.

    Project Kicks Off Read about it here.

Proposed New Plaza Guiding People to Existing Main Entrance

Proposed Youth Room combining current space with Room 111 next door

Proposed Narthex eliminating unneeded columns and raising ceiling to 10 feet

Renewing for God's Mission

Meet the Team!

Thanks to our incredible church members serving our entire congregation as part of our Renewing For God's Mission Core Team.  They are... Co-Chairs: Lois Buntz and Tom Schamberger. ​Pacesetter Team: Doug Pauls, Tom Wolle, ​and Bruce & Judy Barnes.​

Events Team: Brent & Dawn Foss, Jenny Bosking, ​Dan Baty, Mark & Marti Marz, and Mary Van Houten. ​Communications: Chris Ackmann, Devin & Kristen Wagner, Michelle Kline, and Mark Fersdahl.​ Children/Youth: Rachael Cogdill, Matt Moore, and Nicole Keating.​ Prayer Team: Edna Mator, Suah Borsay, ​Bill Klein, and Linda Klein.