Join us in the fight against hunger Oct. 13!

Did you know...First Lutheran has helped put Cedar Rapids in the Top 100 "Cream of the CROP" Walks in the country?  Join our winning team today by walking on Oct. 13, 2024 or supporting a participating church member. 

Get started

help us battle hunger

Watch our local 2023 CROP Walk video below


Ministry partner fair

Sunday, Oct. 20, 2024

Come learn about all the amazing outreach our church does for our community through our incredible partners at our Ministry Partner Fair at 10-11 a.m. Sunday, October 20th just outside of the sanctuary. You'll meet the people behind our key helping ministries we support with our volunteers and our financial giving to improve our world. Come learn about the services they provide and how you can partner with them to make a difference!

saturday evening meal program (SEMP)

discover our mission

The Saturday Evening Meal Program feeds anywhere from 75 to 150 people every Saturday night a free meal, no questions asked.  Several different teams of volunteers take turns each week to prepare and serve the meal.  If you are interested or feel called to this ministry please fill out the interest form. 

Interest Form

Request a Substitute

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
U.S.D.A. Nondiscrimination Statement

what people are saying...

about Saturday Evening Meals Program

“When I cook it helps to see the needs and situations happening in our community and this is a way to give my talents. When serving the meal, it is real humility and connection to our guests. That’s priceless.” - Diane Selk

Hunger & Hope Team

discover our mission

The mission of the Hunger and Hope Team is to battle hunger in our community and around the world by volunteering and supporting programs that feed those with food insecurity and to bring hope of the gospel and love of Christ to people by tithing to our synod and giving generously to our community, praying for and reaching out to those in our neighborhood, and showering blessing upon the guests whom God brings through our doors.  

If you are interested or feel called to this ministry please fill out the interest form.

  Interest Form

what people are saying...

about Hunger & Hope Ministry

"I enjoy getting the opportunity to give back and serve others. I also feel connected to our church by working with a team and getting to know my church family better." - Lory Christoffersen

Housing Team

discover our mission

The mission of the Housing Team is to support efforts to get people in shelter and/or affordable housing  by partnering with entities that serve the homeless.  If you are interested or feel called to this ministry please fill out the interest form.

what people are saying...

about Housing Ministry

“Housing is a challenge around us and working with partners like Habitat for Humanity, Willis Dady, Matthew 25, you can feel our church is "in the city, for the city.” – Bruce Lindholm  

global outreach team

discover our mission

The mission of our Global Outreach Team is to help the congregation connect with Global Outreach opportunities within the wider work of the ELCA and other organizations such as our partnership with the SAME Lutheran congregation in Tanzania. If you are interested or feel called to this ministry please fill out the interest form. 

Discover More                   Interest Form

what people are saying...

about Global Outreach

“It reminds me God is working in all parts of the world, not just in our city or country. I have learned that we are more alike as Christians than we are different as a people.” - Arleen Zahn-Houser

Wellington Heights Community Church

First Lutheran has had a long connection and interest with the Wellington Heights neighborhood, serving people primarily through the Saturday Evening Meals Program (SEMP) and the summer lunch program in collaboration with St. Paul’s Methodist Church. FLC leadership believes that entering into a shared partnership with the Wellington Heights Community Church will serve the Gospel in many ways, both in supporting outreach into the community, and in receiving the gifts of the Spirt for reconciliation and peace from that ministry.

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Outreach Minsitry

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