To pray means that I have a loving relationship with God and with Jesus’ community of faith.
Even if I pray in solitude, I do not pray alone. I am with God as a member of the body of Christ, and we pray as a part of this community.
Discover Prayer: Together
To pray means that I have a loving relationship with God and with Jesus’ community of faith.
Even if I pray in solitude, I do not pray alone. I am with God as a member of the body of Christ, and we pray as a part of this community.
Monthly Prayer Vigil
The first Thursday of each month, from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., we will have a dedicated
time of prayer for the needs, concerns, and celebrations of our world, church, and lives. You are welcome to come to pray in the Prayer Room any time during that set aside time. Special prayer materials will be available on those days to guide our prayers.
Also consider joining me and others who would like to pray in community at 9 a.m., 12 noon, or 3 p.m. in the Prayer Room to pray with and for one another on these Thursdays.
Prayer Room
We are inviting use of the Prayer Room (202) adjacent to the sanctuary as a space for prayer, reflection, and healing. Resources, prompts and prayer shawls are available anytime the church is open.
Prayer Requests
Join in Prayer
For our First Lutheran family of Faith
Prayer Ministry is a vital part of our
congregation’s life together. If you are a member and feel called to pray for others in the First Lutheran community, we invite you to join our prayer chain. As Pray-ers, we maintain strict confidentiality in order to provide a
safe and trusted place to bring our needs before God. Only then can our
congregation feel free to share the deepest joys and struggles of their lives
with us.
We invite you to contact Deborah Hanson, Director of Spiritual Formation, about joining in prayer with and for our community.