Ash Wednesday — March 5

  • Worship at 12 noon or 6:30 p.m.

    Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent and reminds us that "we are dust, and to dust we will return". This special worship day follows a longer, traditional format than the following mid-week services. In the evening, choirs and dinner will happen as usual, but the Echo kids! ministry will not meet this Wednesday.

  • Small Groups: 10:10 a.m. Every Sunday

    Join us at 10:10 a.m. any Sunday you are at church downstairs in the Luther Fellowship Center (LFC) for small group discussion around our Lenten worship series "Hungering for God." No sign up, just show up! New and different groups will form each week. 

Wednesday Mid-day Worship & Activities

March 12 - April 9

  • Walking with Jesus Reflection Group, 11 a.m.

    Gather for a time of reflection, conversation, and prayer at 11 a.m. each Wednesday morning during Lent. Follow Jesus through the story of Holy Week from his entry into Jerusalem recognized on Palm Sunday, to his death and resurrection.  In-person Wednesdays, Mar. 5 - Apr. 2 at 11 a.m. prior to our midday worship. This is a come as you can group, you do not need to attend each week. The materials are also available online from the weekly reflections page.

  • Mid-day Worship, 12 noon

    We will offer midday worship each Wednesday in Lent, Mar.  12 - Apr. 9  at 12 noon.  This series, based on the Palm Sunday scripture Philippians 2:5-11.  Each week we will focus on a verse from this passage about how Christ humbled himself and was obedient to God,  even to death on the cross.  A lite lunch will be offered following each worship/concert.

  • Spring Serenade Concerts

    We invite you to enjoy our Spring Serenades mini concerts featuring music faculty from Kirkwood Community College following three of our noon worship services; around 12:30 p.m.  Dates & performers are:

    • March 12 - Chris Navarrete & The Kirkwood Jazz Combo

    • March 26 - Aura Strohschein, Piano

    • April 9 - Jessica Saunders, Voice

  • Lunch with friends or on-the-go

    Following worship, a brown bag lunch will be available at 1 p.m. Worshipers can stay for a time of fellowship to eat together in the narthex, or grab-and-go!
    Cost is a free-will offering.

Wednesday Evenings during Lent
March 12 - April 9

Our familiar Wednesday Evening pattern of music, worship, and study will echo the weekend themes of Hungering for God in a way that is approachable and applicable; especially for youth and families.

  • Dinner Together

    Each Wednesday dinner is served 5:15 - 6:15 p.m.
    We will serve soup, salad and pizza each week.

    Cost is a free-will offering.

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  • Worship Together

    At 6:30 p.m. we will hold a 45-minute worship service. The style will be informal and contemporary. Worship will be streaming live online.

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  • Discuss Together

    Following worship, our confirmation youth and their mentors or families will have a discussion time with guided questions to deepen our faith and strengthen our cross-generation connections.

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