Maundy Thursday’s Reflection:  Hunger and Thirst

“At three o’clock Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and someone ran,
filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on a stick, and gave it to him to drink.”      — Mark 15:34, 36

  • Put yourself in this scene:  use your imagination to see and hear Jesus’ cry and the offer of sour wine to someone thirsty and dying.  Use your heart to imagine Jesus physical, emotional, and spiritual thirst.
  • When have you experienced physical hunger and thirst? 
    Emotional hunger and thirst?  Spiritual hunger and thirst?
  • Ask yourself:  Where in my world are people hungry and thirsty? 
    How am I to be compassionate?
  • Pray for our ministry partners,Crop Walk, HACAP, Linn Community Food Bank, our Saturday Evening Meal Program, and all those who help provide food and drink to those dealing with hunger issues in our society.

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