Jump In Sunday Sept 10

Jump into a community and discover more: together!

We recently launched into a new season of ministry as we celebrated what it means to be a community of faith with worship, food, music, games, and opportunities to serve our community together.  The Party is over, but the fun is just beginning! Keep reading to see how you can Discover More: Together with First Lutheran this fall.

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...to a Small Gathering

People of all ages and walks of life are enjoying our all-church study "Enter In" based around our fall worship series on Baptism.

You are invited to take part in Group meeting at church and in people's homes now through October. Don't worry, no one else can attend every week either!

 I'm interested

Jump In

  ... to Baptism

On Sept. 9-10 we jumped into a new, 8-week focus on the Sacrament of Holy Baptism .  Each week we will unpack an aspect of what Baptism is about during worship.  Visit the Worship page for details, or watch the sermons here.

The series culminates in an all-congregation Affirmation of Baptism and an open font for anyone to come and be baptized on Oct. 21-22, 2023.

Jump In

  ... to Serving

Being the church isn't just meeting people and growing faith, as faithful people we are called to serve God.
We started a special project this fall with our water-themed worship series to care for creation by cleaning up the parks and waterways in the Cedar River Watershed.