“Growing Young” asks the question, "What does it take to help congregations and young adults grow spiritually, emotionally, and missionally?" There are several ways you can engage with this series to discover more about involving young people in the church today.
Discover More behind the worship series:
Read the book Growing Young
We have several copies of “Growing Young” by Powell, Mulder, and Griffin available to
purchase online or in the church office for $15. You can also find it on Amazon and wherever books are sold.
Join the weekly discussion
We’ll have open groups just for you if you are here any week listed below at 10:10 a.m. Sunday mornings, or 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays.
Weigh in on Our Future
Join us at 10:10 a.m. Sunday, May 19 As we wrap up the study, we will begin to craft a plan for action to help First Lutheran Grow Young. Michael Beckman will gather up our insights about
what it means for a congregation to be intentional about growing young. This conversation will be key to help our church leadership as we begin to shape a plan for our future.