Caught between a rock and a hard place. We all know that experience of no way forward and no way back. The Israelites knew that terrifying experience very well. They escaped slavery in Egypt and camped on the shores of the Red Sea. However, the Egyptians didn’t want to lose their slave labor, and so their mighty army pursued the Israelites and trapped them at the edge of the sea. The Israelites were caught between death by drowning and death by swords and spears.
However, the Israelites were also caught between God’s guidance
and protection. The glorious cloud of
God’s guiding and protecting presence surrounded them and lit up their
darkness. An angel was there too, for
good measure. The waters that had been
the Israelites roadblock to freedom divided to create a pathway forward. What had been a watery dead end became the
means to their new lives as free people.
This is a profound story of God’s guidance, protection, and deliverance. It’s also a story of saying YES to God. The Israelites had to jump onto that pathway between walls of water to journey forward. They had to trust that the watery death they feared had transformed into the new life they longed for.