Our Spiritual Toolbox: Week 1

Introduction:  Tools are so much a part of our lives that we rarely notice we are using them.  When you prepare and eat a meal, you use tools.  When you plant a garden, you use tools.  When you jot down a note, you use tools.  Tools are so much more than pulling out a hammer and nails to build a birdhouse!  A tool is an extension of ourselves that we hold in our hands and use to create, maintain, or fix something.  Surprisingly, we never think twice about pulling out a knife to chop the veggies for dinner, but when it comes to building our spiritual lives, we don’t think to pull out a spiritual tool to make the job easier.  When we try to build, maintain, and repair our lives and the world around us we often use our bare hands rather than open up our spiritual toolboxes.

So, what are the tools we could be using if we opened up the toolbox?  Our tools are unique to each of us because we are uniquely created and gifted by God.  Our callings to do God’s work in the world are also unique.  Our tools are specific to our lives, but our tools may go by the same name.  For example, there are many kinds of wrenches, yet each is used for a special purpose. Likewise, spiritual tools can go by the same name but are used for different purposes. 

In this series of reflections, we will look at the tools of courage, steadfastness (also known as spiritual stubbornness), openness, gratitude, and hope.  There are, of course, many more—a whole spiritual hardware store of them!  But these are good basic tools to begin with and to use.


“But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit;
keep yourselves in the love of God; look forward to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.”  

— Jude 1:20-21


  • Pay attention this week to all the tools you use. Anytime you pick something up to do something, you likely are using a tool.

  • Pay attention when you interact with others and when you turn to God in worship, prayer, or study. Was there a spiritual tool you saw in your spiritual hand that helped you do this better? Begin to discover the tools you already have and which ones you might want to add to your toolbox.

Our scripture this week comes from the tiny letter of Jude.

Square What words or phrases speak to you this week?

Square What do you notice about building, praying, keeping, and looking to the future?

Square Rewrite Jude’s words in your own words, based on your responses to the above questions. 

Square   What tools might you need as you live out Jude’s words of encouragement?


Jesus, I am your beloved, and you call me to build my life of faith in that belovedness.

Build with me! Build my faith, my prayer, my love, and my hope. Amen.