Everyday God

Reflections + Discussions

Everyday God is nine months of weekly reflections on God’s presence in our daily lives. The format will be very gentle and open, so you can easily adapt this series to your life. We will begin by grounding ourselves in the love of God for us and then follow the life of Jesus, exploring new spiritual practices and ideas as we look for and find God in our ordinary lives.

Each week you will receive an email with daily readings, activities, and prayers for that week. We will meet once a month with a choice of in-person or online zoom gatherings. There is no cost, but you need to register to receive the emails and the zoom invites. Register below, or contact Deborah Hansen at 319-365-1494 or deborahh@firstlutherancr.org for more information

Reflections begin the week of Sept. 8. In-person
(11 am – noon) and online Zoom gatherings (1 – 2 pm)
are September 29, Oct. 24, Nov. 21, Dec. 19, Jan. 23, Feb. 27, March 27, April 24, and May 22.

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