Our last story of bread in this series isn’t about feeding crowds, entertaining angels, or even a vibrant community. This story takes place in a time of famine. It’s about a widow who is preparing a final meal with just a bit of bread before she and her son starve to death. But more importantly it is the story of a woman who believes the words, “Do not be afraid,’ with a generous heart. Like Abraham and Sarah, the widow is visited by a stranger, the prophet Elijah. She doesn’t have the wealth or resources that they had to prepare a feast, but she does have a generous faith. In sharing what she has, there is enough, not just for that meal, but for many days ahead.
Our breadbasket way of life doesn’t require wealth, influence, or hype. It’s a simple way that trusts in our loving God and with a generous heart willingly shares what it has with other hungry bellies and hungry hearts.