Counting carbs? Need to eat gluten-free? We live in a society with countless food options. We can pick and choose according to our needs and our preferences. If we don’t want or can’t eat something, we have aisles and aisles of other options at the grocery store that we can even have delivered with just a few clicks on our cell phones. Not having food, not having bread is inconceivable to most of us. Yet, for most people, in most times and places, not having enough food and fearing starvation has been very real. Bread, for those who are hungry, is truly a necessity of life rather than a source of unwanted calories or gluten.
Bread is more than filling hungry bellies. To produce bread, grain needs to be sown and harvested; dough needs to be made and baked; people need to gather to eat. Bread needs stability, home, and community, and these all go into the importance of bread.
As we begin our series of reflections, we begin with hungry people. The Israelites are wandering in a wilderness. They have no stability, no homes, and are a very grumbly community. Bread is out of the question. Or would be, except that God is present as their stability, their refuge, and the heart of their community. And so, there is bread! Day after day for 40 years, until the people come to a habitable land, God provides their daily bread.