Whether we call it a nativity scene, manger scene, or creche, many of us have a whole cast of people and some critters who visually tell the Christmas story in our homes. We set up these beloved scenes year after year, but how often do we stop to reflect on the stories that each of these people bring to the larger story of the birth of Jesus? Our Advent reflections will help us come to know each of these people a little more. However, before we make our way to the creche, we need to take a detour to visit an elderly, childless couple.
You might remember John the Baptist, that rather odd character who wore camel’s hair and ate locusts for dinner. Odd as he was, John was vital to the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. His preaching and baptizing ministry was a prelude to Jesus’ own ministry, and John baptized Jesus. John’s parents, Elizabeth and Zechariah, are the focus of our first reflection.
Elizabeth and Zechariah are childless and old. Zechariah is a temple priest. They are good people and must have been praying for a child for decades. One day that prayer is answered when an angel visits Zechariah as he is performing his temple duties. And what a birth announcement: their child will be the one who readies the world for the Messiah!
Elizabeth and Zechariah play another special role in the Christmas story as well. Mary, the mother-to-be of Jesus (who we will reflect on next week), comes to visit them shortly after she has received her own angelic birth announcement. Through the angel, teenaged Mary has learned that her elderly relative Elizabeth is also expecting. Elizabeth and Mary become confirming sources of comfort and faith for each other as these moms-to-be and their unborn sons come together.