Our weekly devotional content ties back to the worship themes and scriptures from the previous Sunday. Dig deeper into what the Word and the message mean to you, and explore how you can deepen your walk with Christ through these resources.

In addition to the devotional resources, the "5 Minutes with God" sections are like spiritual snacks; small, quick, easy connections you can make as you go about your busy life. 

Build a Bigger Table

Study Guide

From September 8th through October 20th, we are discovering more about communion. What happens in communion? Why do we have communion every worship? These topics and more will be part of this study. Click on the picture to get to the study guide!

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    Five Minutes with God

    INTRODUCTION: How many times as a kid did an adult need to remind you: Say thank you! Or maybe as an adult you have needed to remind little ones to remember their manners. Actually, remembering to say thank you is really important in our spiritual lives. The practice of expressing our thanks to someone helps us grown in gratitude. When we gratefully say “thank you,” we see the blessings we have received from others—and from God. When we see that all we have are gifts God has given us, we ourselves become givers because we grow our compassion and our freedom to give to others.  

    SPIRITUAL PRACTICE: This week remember to say “thank you” to God whenever you eat a meal. No fancy prayers required. A simple “thank you” is enough. As you give thanks for your food, watch your feelings of gratitude grow and notice how you can see that your life is filled with gifts for which you can say “thank you.” Don’t be surprised if your compassion for those who don’t have enough grows, and giving to others is a fruit of your thankfulness!