Worship Series:

Discover a Different Way to Life

The Christian witness offers a way to wholeness, healing, and life that is counter to our culture, it is a different way to life. What is this different way? In a culture of busyness, faith is first learning how to be with God. It is not about being busy or accomplishing, but simply being present to the holy one who is always with us, often in surprising ways.

In a culture that is desperate to avoid suffering or to shun weakness, we are invited to follow the crucified and risen Jesus. In other words, there is wisdom, healing and insight to be gained from suffering and loss. The way of the cross is a means through which God heals, makes whole, and offers wisdom.

Truly the way of Jesus is a different way to life. During the weeks of winter, we will explore how following Christ offers a different vision of faith, hope and love that lead to life.

January 7-8

Baptism— A way

to be with God.

January 14-15
Prayer Weekend
A Way to Be with God
in Community

January 21-22

How God First
Comes to You

January 28-29
God’s Presence
in the Hard Times

February 4-5

How To be Salt and Light for Others

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