The Significance of Bread and Wine
used bread and wine for the meal. They were a part of the Passover
meal and had rich meaning. Jesus transforms bread and wine into signs of the New Covenant in this
meal. His first self-revealing sign was to change water into wine. Jesus
said, “I am the bread of life.” And Jesus said, “I am the vine.”
Christ is present in the meal
familiar Words of Institution that we hear in person or over the
internet proclaim that the bread and wine we eat and drink are the
Lord’s Supper. Martin Luther writes in the Small Catechism that Communion “is the true
body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ under the bread and wine,
instituted by Christ himself for us Christians to eat and drink.” We share in the meal together and are joined
with the whole Church on earth and the hosts of heaven, giving thanks to
our God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Fasting from Communion
It is
perfectly acceptable to choose not to participate in communion remotely, but to
wait until we you are in the sanctuary. Such a fasting can even
strengthen the heart’s desire for the grace of God.